{ "Main": { "title": "Bbuddy - Main", "description": "Bbuddy desc", "header": "BBuddy: Piattaforma per il successo personale e professionale", "header-desc": "Ricevi consulenze da coach e mentori leader su BBuddy. I nostri esperti ti aiuteranno a svilupparti, imparare e raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi personali e professionali. Usa la nostra piattaforma web e l'app mobile per supporto professionale e crescita.", "news": "Articoli professionali e novità sui progetti", "popular": "Popular Topics" }, "BbClient": { "title": "Bbuddy - Client", "description": "Bbuddy desc client", "header": "Personal, professional, and business\ndevelopment mobile application" }, "BbExpert": { "title": "Bbuddy - Expert", "description": "Bbuddy desc expert", "header": "Be where your customers are", "header-desc": "B Buddy is an application for active people interested in growth on all fronts — personal, professional and business. Right now they are looking for you." }, "Account": { "menu": { "sessions": "Upcoming Sessions", "notifications": "Notification", "support": "Help & Support", "information": "Legal Information", "settings": "Profile Settings", "messages": "Messages", "work-with-us": "Work With Us" }, "WorkWithUs": { "title": "Become a BBuddy Expert", "insert-info": "Insert your personal information to start your journey as a BBuddy Expert", "start": "Get Started", "base-text": "Your info can either be added or amended at anytime" }, "Messages": { "title": "Messages" }, "Settings": { "title": "Profile Settings", "photo-desc": "Add a real photo, as a person's face is always more credible.", "name": "Name", "surname": "Surname", "birthday": "Date of Birth", "email": "E-mail", "change-password": "Change Password", "save": "Save", "old-password": "Old Password", "new-password": "New Password", "confirm-password": "Confirm Password" }, "LegalInformation": { "title": "Legal Information" }, "Support": { "title": "Help & Support" }, "Notifications": { "title": "Notifications", "read": "Read", "delete": "Delete" }, "Sessions": { "upcoming-sessions": "Upcoming Sessions", "sessions-requested": "Sessions Requested", "recent-sessions": "Recent Sessions", "topic": "Topic", "day-start": "Day start" } }, "Footer": { "email": "info@bbuddy.expert", "phone": "WA/TG +3579975276", "address": "Romanou 2, office 401, 1070, Nicosia, Cyprus", "menu": { "faq": "FAQ", "privacy-policy": "Privacy Policy" } }, "Experts": { "title": "Trova un esperto", "filter": { "price": "Price from {from}€ to {to}€", "duration": "Duration from {from}min to {to}min", "apply": "Apply", "find": "Find", "search": "Search for an Expert", "sort": "Sort", "language": "Language" }, "list": { "price": "0€", "duration": "0min", "details": "Details" } } }